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Shaline Family Portraits

Most often I schedule portrait sessions weeks if not months in advance. However sometimes a spontaneous scheduled shoot just magically comes together and it is awesome. I have known the Shaline's all my life, and one Wednesday night at a dinner with friends, Di Shaline asked me about doing their family portraits that coming Sunday. Their children Brendan and Maddie would both be home, but only for that one day. Brendan was getting in that morning and Maddie was leaving the next. I was available so we made a plan for that Sunday afternoon! Then it looked like it was going to rain, and since this was the only day possible, rescheduling wouldn't be an option. This being Durango, I said we should try to do it, if it started raining we could stop. It didn't rain! It rained before and after but not during the shoot! We all had a great time, the light was great, it wasn't too cold, and the photos turned out beautiful!

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