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Desert Engagement Session - Pre-Shutdown

With all the craziness happening I almost forgot to blog this AMAZING engagement session I had right before we started shutting everything down.

I had SOOO much fun on this engagement session with Katie and Clay. We got to go out and explore the desert area around Navajo Lake, and when I say explore I mean we were really going way out there into the landscape and having an adventure.

This was such a fun experience for me because everywhere we shot was a new location I had never shot before. Clay knew the area really well from work, so they had some great little hidden locations they knew about and had had significant relationship moments in. I LOVE when couples choose locations that are sentimental to them, it brings the shoot to a whole other level of meaningfulness for the couple.

We got to climb around on fun rocks, dodge little prickly pears, and chase the sunset. These two were such an adventure couple, willing to go just about anywhere to get a cool shot, even close to cliffs! I had so much fun getting to know them and hang out with them as we drove on hidden mystery back roads from place to place. They are just the friendliest, most awesome kind of people.

When the sun had gone down they gave me even more of their time to go out and show me some amazing ruins out in the middle of nowhere I had never seen before, it seemed so magical to just seemingly happen upon some large impressive ruins in the desert. I would have never found them by myself they were so out of the way. They had just brought me there for fun to show me something cool, not expecting to take any photos there, but I couldn't help myself! So make sure to scroll to the very bottom to see our final fun bonus photo of the shoot!

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